Love others what you love for yourself

Lessons in UX writing.

Hazrul Fitri
1 min readDec 22, 2021

It’s fun that I get to do the copy for the current landing page I’m designing, but it’s certainly different and I’m relishing this moment because I get to deal with words.

I was reminded during stand up that at the end of it all I’m passing this design for it to be pitched to the future stakeholders. That reminded me of the time I was told by my teammate at my other workplace, while doing e-commerce packing, that

Wrap the item like how you want it to be wrapped.

So I’m putting that principle in my current copywriting. UX writing is a different kind of copywriting — as of right now I’m thinking outside the box, finding the right words that users want to hear and read. That’s difficult at the start, but once you put yourself in their shoes, it makes the job a little bit easier.

I’m expanding my idea of writing and it’s just not the free writing I’ve always done for the past few years. This afternoon I realise I need to unlearn my learning to write. It’s time to start afresh and learn everything I knew about writing from the start again.

