Remember, don’t outpace yourself

Avoid burnout by recognising burnout

Hazrul Fitri
Dec 23, 2021

I almost put myself in the burnout zone. I tried to cram everything in a day, and that almost crippled me, mentally.

Today the one of the key learning points is knowing how to think well; Design Thinking is something elusive in my dictionary. It’s still something vague to me.

Mini-course I’ll be learning: Adrian Twarog’s UX/UI Crash Course

Things to improve:

  • Organising your life
  • Prioritising tasks
  • Removing distractions

It’s a daily battle, I guess.

Whatever you do, remember to follow the rhythm. Don’t outpace yourself by cramming every task at hand in a day. You’ll be putting yourself in a spot where there isn’t a need to be in to in the first place.

